Hydrochloric Acidis the holy grail of digestion because of its many functions. HCL helps: absorb protein, calcium, vitamin B12, and iron, avoid gas, bloating, and acid reflux (because you are digesting instead of fermenting food), suppress growth of ingested bacteria and candida, and evade brain-gut mood imbalances. Hydrochloric acid production decreases with age and in the presence of chronic inflammation and should be supplemented to avoid rotting food and premature aging.
Premier HCL. Premier HCL is made with 100% solvent-free vegetable capsules, excipient-free: no binders, fillers, glues or other toxic tagalongs.
Just like hydrochloric acid, studies show that as you age your body’s enzyme production decreases, meaning it becomes increasingly difficult to digest your food. Greater digestive enzyme stress depletes the body of metabolic enzyme production and according to Dr. Edward Howell, an enzyme researcher; metabolic enzyme deficit is the root of health problems.
Premier Digest is a plant source broad spectrum digestive enzyme formula that is derived using a proprietary Japanese fermentation process. It supports key digestive needs such as fat, protein, starch, lactose, sugar, and fiber.
Premier Digest is:
The normal range for stool transit through the colon for adults is 20 hours to 72 hours (2). Optimally, stool should pass as many times as you eat per day give or take. Do you go number two at least once or more every day? If you don’t, Premier Cleanse is the formula for you.
Premier Cleanse is a live source, clean, whole food grade colon cleaning formula that provides soluble fiber and cleans out toxic colon pockets, moving stagnant waste out of the colon and promoting healthy normal bowel eliminations. This herbal, beyond organic blend includes marshmallow root, licorice root, bitter gourd melon, black walnut hulls, pumpkin seed powder, slippery elm and more.
Premier Cleanse Blend is a clinically-tested, whole body cleansing , grade 10 world class formula. This means Premier Cleanse is:
You get My Bonus Protocol when you purchase these 3 digestive health products (one bottle of each)
Noni supports digestion and gastrointestinal health. It promotes healthy intestinal motility so it is helpful to those struggling with constipation: "On a simplified level, peristalsis, the major movement theme of the gut, is mediated predominantly through the neurotransmitter serotonin (5HT).” The gut has seven 5HT receptor subtypes. (2) Serotonin is a compound found in Premier Noni. Beyond that Premier Noni supports healthy immune system function and boosts energy. It's a powerful antioxidant and promotes healthy mood.
Premier Cleanse is a live source, clean, whole food grade colon cleaning formula that provides soluble fiber and cleans out toxic colon pockets, moving stagnant waste out of the colon and promoting healthy normal bowel eliminations. This herbal, beyond organic blend includes marshmallow root, licorice root, bitter gourd melon, black walnut hulls, pumpkin seed powder, slippery elm and more.
Premier Digest is a plant source broad spectrum digestive enzyme formula that is derived using a proprietary Japanese fermentation process. It supports key digestive needs such as fat, protein, starch, lactose, sugar, and fiber.
Why do I take Premier Digest?
I take it to make sure I digest my food especially cooked food properly so that my colon doesn’t have to deal with toxic, rotting food that contributes to constipation and many other health problems.
Premier Galactan also known as arabinogalactan is a clean, live source larch fiber supplement that supports gut health and the immune system integrity. It is food for the beneficial bacteria in your gut. And it does so much more: Arabinogalactan has a “wide range of biological properties and activities documented, such as the protection of gastrointestinal mucosa and large bowel function, the support of digestive health by improving intestinal flora, the improvement of stress- induced gastrointestinal dysfunction, the effect on vascular permeability, the effect in metastatic disease and the enhancement of immune function ,” according to a 2016 Nutrition & Metabolism review. (4)
AloeMannan-FX is an organic inner leaf aloe vera that contains 15% stabilized acemannan (the major polysaccharide in aloe vera), clay, and Lou Han Guo fruit. Aloe vera is a digestive healing superfood and Premier AloeMannan-FX is exceptionally handled to ensure you get the highest quality, live source product.
Trim Body Blend is a delicious, protein based meal blend that supports lean body weight along with the other fantastic benefits such as high quality fiber to ensure regular healthy bowel movements. This is a live source, food source, premier quality whey protein formula that is produced using an ultrafiltration process that keeps the delicate and precious glycomacropeptides that boost your immune system.
Premier Lecithin Granules contain all four key unsaturated fatty acid phosphatidyl complexes for optimal organ health, including the brain, nervous system, kidneys and more. “On a molecular level, gut motility is a complex process that includes several layers of neural and hormonal control from the colon up to the central nervous system.” (2) The central nervous system is very much involved in the function of the colon and elimination or pooping. It only seems logical to support the nervous system.
You get my BONUS protocol when you buy this relieve constipation kit!
Allicidin is an immune boosting formula that breaks up biofilms, the micro communities in which various undesirable organisms hide, helping the immune system do it's job especially in the mouth, gastrointestinal tract, and urinary tract.
Premier Allicidin contains allicin which is formed when garlic is crushed. But that's not all. Allicidin also contains wild bear garlic whose active substances are found in its green leaves. Legend has it that after bears wake from hibernation they consume wild garlic which helps them regain strength. Wild garlic has greater amounts of magnesium, manganese, and zinc than kitchen garlic.
Allicidin also contains organic turkey tails, hyssop, and parsley. This beyond clean, synergistic formula additionally supports normal blood sugar levels and the cardiovascular system.
Gallbladder stones can develop for many reasons: poor diet, infection, dehydration, stress among other things. More than 300,000 gallbladders are removed due to gallstones every year in the United States. Gallstones grow slowly and therefore gallstone stress can go undetected for many years. The gallbladder and liver play an important role in fat metabolism and weight management.
Premier BiliVen supports the liver and gallbladder by boosting liver cleansing and gallbladder fat and lipid metabolism. It contains Citrus Aurantium, Fermented Reishi and Cordyceps, Organic Milk Thistle and Turmeric, Fennel, Chlorella and much more. This synergistic formula helps you take care of your precious gallbladder.
Premier Digestase-SP is a wonderful enzyme formula especially for those who experience flatulence and bloating and have greater reactivity to foods such as gluten and casein. It also supports enhanced digestion of legumes, grains, and cruciferous vegetables. If you weren't breastfed this formula helps you break down sugars and protein in your food.Premier Digestase-SP contains ZERO additives, fillers, or binders.
You may be wondering what are enzymes anyway?
Enzymes are catalysts that accelerate reactions in your body.There are three basic categories of enzymes: digestive enzymes, metabolic enzymes, and food derived enzymes. Dr. Edward Howell extensively studied enzymes. He believed that life expectancy depends on the preservation of your enzyme potential and metabolic enzyme deficit is the root of health problems.
*Disclaimer: The FDA has not evaluated any of these statements. Practice at your own risk and gain. Please seek immediate medical care for any urgent trauma. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body and one of few which can cross the blood-brain barrier, playing an important role in biological functions including protein synthesis. During catabolic states or stress, as in post-exercise, glutamine supports muscle recovery and glycogen reloading.
It is a key amino acid that supports muscle and gastrointestinal tract health while also promoting intestinal mucosa health. Glutamine is necessary in the production of glutathione, a key liver nutrient.
Research indicates that glutamine supports the immune system by strengthening immunoglobulins such as s-IgA. When the mucosal lining has adequate sIgA, bacteria cannot bind to it, making infection less likely. Glutamine can also help strengthen and increase the numbers of white blood cells called lymphocytes which additionally supports the immune system.
A study demonstrated that taking 2 grams of glutamine daily caused a significant 400% + release of growth hormone in men. Another study showed the anabolic and anticatabolic effects of glutamine as it increased protein synthesis and inhibited protein breakdown. This means that supplementing with glutamine could help enhance muscle growth and improve athletic performance.
*Disclaimer: The FDA has not evaluated any of these statements. Practice at your own risk and gain. Please seek immediate medical care for any urgent trauma. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Hydrochloric acid is stomach acid and it helps you digest food, especially fats and proteins. You need adequate hydrochloric acid to absorb protein, calcium, magnesium, vitamin B12 and iron.
But that’s not all.
Hydrochloric acid suppresses the growth of ingested bacteria, thereby limiting bacterial counts in the upper small intestine. Diminished acid production (hypochlorhydria) is a risk factor for SIBO, and can develop after colonization with Helicobacter pylori.(2)
Low stomach acid, not too much, can cause indigestion. Individuals simply cannot digest their food and open Pandora's box for their GI tract.
Don't set your self up for digestive problems and health issues, take Premier HCL. Premier HCL is made with 100% solvent-free vegetable capsules, excipient-free: no binders, fillers, glues or other toxic tagalongs.
Premier Hyssinol is a clean live source, excipient, binder, and filler free formula. Premier Hyssinol contains other ingredients such as Noni, Green Tea, Organic Chlorella, Broccoli, Aloe, and plant source enzymes protease, amylase, lipase, and more.
Hyssop supports:
Chlorella is a tiny, single celled water grown alga containing a nucleus and an enormous amount of readily available chlorophyll. Chlorella is a complete protein containing vitamins B, C, E, and minerals like zinc and iron.
Chlorella helps detoxify the body, improve digestion and the immune system, accelerate healing, and protect against radiation. According to Dr. Haas “algae must subtly stimulate our nervous systems or release certain internal neurochemicals that create this ‘up’ feeling.”
And wait, there's more....
Chlorella aids in weight loss in two specific ways:
Premier Medi Clay FX is a rare, highly alkaline clay that is sourced from an underwater volcanic eruption that has been flushed with fresh water for millions of years. Its unique adsorptive and absorptive properties help detoxify the body of chemicals, heavy metals, and even radioactive particles.
This calcium bentonite, smectite form of clay is highly negatively charged while chemicals, heavy metal, etc are positively charged. When Medi Clay FX makes its way down the gastrointestinal tract it attracts positively charged heavy metal, chemicals, and similar elements to itself, holding onto these toxic materials until the body eliminates them.
Medi-Clay FX contains ZERO additives,fillers, or binders.
Bacillus subtilis has been featured in 30 randomized, placebo controlled, double blind studies and shown to be an effective, stabilize probiotic organism that survives stomach acid during digestion. It is able to persist in the GI tract by increasing its numbers and re-sporulating. Great for digestive and immune health because of its ability to crowd out undesirable bacteria and promote gut barrier function.
Premier Niacin is Vitamin B3 as Inositol Hexanicotinate, a no flush niacin formula. It contains ZERO additives, excipients, binders, fillers, or other junk.
Vitamin B3 promotes healthy cardiovascular support. The coenzymes of vitamin B3 (NAD and NADP) assist in the breakdown and utilization of fats, carbs, and protein. Niacin is also involved in many aspects of energy metabolism, healthy blood flow, and pancreas utilization.
A recent study was published in Current Medical Chemistry 2016 discussing vitamin Bs including B3:
"B vitamins are required for proper functioning of the methylation cycle, monoamine oxidase production, DNA synthesis and the repair and maintenance of phospholipids. Vitamin B deficiency could influence memory function, cognitive impairment and dementia. In particular, vitamins B1, B3, B6, B9 and B12 are essential for neuronal function and deficiencies have been linked to depression."
Premier Vitamin C is a 100% natural botanical vitamin C formula made of Rose hips, Artichoke, Noni, Turkey Tails, Reishi, and many other botanicals with no synthetic ascorbic acid or calcium ascorbate.
Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin that you attain through your diet. It acts as a free radical scavenger and antioxidant. It supports the healthy biosythesis of collagen and carnitine and neurotransmitter formation.
Premier Vitamin C contains ZERO additives, fillers, binders, or glues.
In Pharmaconosy Review 2010 the authors state:
Vitamin C may affect carcinogenesis include antioxidant effects, blocking of formation of nitrosanimes, enhancement of the immune response, and acceleration of detoxification of liver enzymes.
Clinical, Cosmetic, and Investigational Dermatology 2016 find that an oral supplement rich in antioxidants such as Vitamin C "improves skin radiance by reducing skin coloring, increasing face luminosity, reducing imperfections, and improving skin firmness in women with dull complexion."
In Radiation Research 2015 the authors note that their "results suggest that high levels of vitamins A, C and E dietary supplements help preserve intestinal nutrient transport when intestines are irradiated chronically or acutely with low-LET gamma rays."
The World Journal of Gastroenterology 2015 states that "Clinical and experimental data reported in the 1970’s suggested a potential protective effect of vitamin C on the formation of gallstones [108]. This might be attributed to the reduction in bile acid biogenesis and the supersaturation of bile with cholesterol."
Get your Premier Vitamin C today.